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Return a Core (serialized)

Return a Core (serialized)

Use this page to complete fields and create/print a Core Return Tag.


1. Order/Line Header Section: see Return a Core (main screen) for explanation.

2. View Comments: see Return a Core (main screen) for explanation.

3. Core Return Header: this section is for entering general information for this core return shipment.
Preferred Shipping Carrier: 
a Note on the screen above the core return header section displays the Honeywell preferred shipping carrier and account number.
Note: different preferred shipping carriers will be displayed for hazardous and non-hazardous materials, depending on your Primary Selections.
Life Limited Log Cards: 
select "Yes", if Life Limited cards are being included in your shipment; otherwise, select "No". * This is a required field.
Shipment Date: select the date you plan to ship the core to Honeywell. Enter a date or click on the Calendar icon to select a date. * This is a required field.
Note: manually entered dates must be in the format MM/DD/YY (two-digit month, two-digit day, two-digit year; e.g., 01/03/04 is January 3, 2004).
Useful Tip: if, when clicking the Calendar icon, the window opens and calendar application does not appear, close the new window and refresh the page, then click the Calendar icon again. Calendar application will not function if Java is disabled in the user's browser.
Airway Bill No: enter the shipping carrier's airway bill number, if known.
Note: you may edit Airway Bill Number at any time from the Returned Core Details screen (perform a search and click on the order/line number; a button on the Core Returned Detail page will take you to the Returned Core Details screen).
Qty Returned: the quantity displayed is the number of cores you selected in the Primary Selections area (Return a Core main screen).
you will not be able to ship a core quantity higher than the number you selected for this shipment. If you entered the wrong number, you may click the Close button to return to the Return a Core main screen and select a different number.
Carrier: select the carrier through which you will be returning cores to Honeywell in this shipment. By default, the Honeywell preferred carrier will be selected.
Other Carrier: if you wish to ship through a carrier that is not on the Carrier drop-down list, change Carrier to "-- Select --" and enter the carrier's name in the Other Carrier field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Note: you may edit Carrier information at any time from the Returned Core Details screen (perform a search and click on the order/line number; a button on the Core Returned Detail page will take you to the Returned Core Details screen).
Select Reason for Return: click this button to display the Comments screen and enter the reason the core is being returned. This comment is optional when returning a core, but it is helpful when returning an unused exchange part (and if you received an RMA number -- Returned Material Authorization) or if you have additional comments you wish the Core Returns Administrator to see.

4. Core Return Detail: this section is for entering information for each core you wish to return in this shipment.
Note: the number of Core Return Detail sections displayed will match the quantity you selected to return in this shipment (i.e., if you entered 5 as the Quantity of Parts to Return, there will be 5 Core Return Detail sections). For serialized parts, each section must be completed or a core return tag will not print.
Cust. Unit Ret: enter the part number of the core you will be returning. * This is a required field.
Cust. Unit S/N Ret: enter the serial number of the core you will be returning. * This is a required field.
Return Material Auth. No: enter the Return Material Authorization (RMA) number, if you are returning an unused part and have received an RMA number from Honeywell.
Note: for some source systems (such as Phx Reclamation Ctr -AVS), this field will appear as Eng S/N (engine serial number).
Part Quantity: the quantity of this part number you will be returning. For serialized parts, Part Quantity will default to 1 in each Core Return Detail section and changes will not be permissible.
Additional Information: enter any other reference information you would like to track (for example, your own repair order number) up to 255 characters.
Note: you may edit this Additional Information at any time from the Returned Core Details screen (perform a search and click on the order/line number; a button on the Core Returned Detail page will take you to the Returned Core Details screen).

5. Submit & Print Core Tag: click this button after completing the Return a Core process. The part numbers you have entered in the Cust. Unit Ret. fields will be validated to make sure they are acceptable core returns, and any required fields will be validated -- you will get an error message if any required fields are not completed. After validation, a printer-friendly core return tag will appear in a new window, and the print dialog box will open to allow you to print to your local printer. Include the core return tag with the part(s) being shipped; the core return tag reduces confusion and streamlines the process of receiving your core at Honeywell.
Useful Tip: if you do not have an acceptable core, or if an error in the application causes your valid core to be rejected, click the View Comments button and send a "Customer Comment" (Comment Type) to the Core Returns Administrator. Request a "Core Override", and be sure to explain the situation completely. The CRA can set a Core Override which will allow the application to accept the part number you have entered on your next attempt. (If you click the Determine Core Acceptability button after a Core Override has been allowed, your core will still appear to be unacceptable, but you will be able to complete the Return a Core process and print a core return tag.)
Note: the Core Return Tag for some source systems (such as Phx Reclamation Ctr -AVS) will print manifest-style; multiple line items will print on a single core tag, sorted by Honeywell Order/Shipper Number.

6. Determine Core Acceptability: click this button to validate whether the part numbers you have entered in the Cust. Unit Ret. fields are acceptable core returns for the Cust. Unit Issued.
Note: Unless the part numbers entered are acceptable cores, you will not be able to complete the Return a Core process and print a core return tag. This same validation will occur when you click the Submit & Print Core Tag button.
Useful Tip: if you do not have an acceptable core, or if an error in the application causes your valid core to be rejected, click the View Comments button and send a "Customer Comment" (Comment Type) to the Core Returns Administrator. Request a "Core Override", and be sure to explain the situation completely. The CRA can set a Core Override which will allow the application to accept the part number you have entered on your next attempt. (If you click the Determine Core Acceptability button after a Core Override has been allowed, your core will still appear to be unacceptable, but you will be able to complete the Return a Core process and print a core return tag.)

7. Clear: click this button to reset fields to default state.
click this button to return to the Return a Core main screen (primary selection screen).