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Batch Core ship

Use this page to complete fields and create/print a Core Return Tag.


1. Are you returning hazardous materials: if the core contains hazardous materials, choose "Yes". Default is "No".
Carrier: select the Carrier used to ship your cores.
Note: the carrier will be selected automatically according to whether you chose Yes or No for returning hazardous materials. You may override this default selection.
Other Carrier: enter a carrier name, if not in the Carrier dropdown list.
Note: you may edit this Carrier information at any time from the Returned Core Details screen (perform a search and click on the order/line number; a button on the Core Returned Detail page will take you to the Returned Core Details screen).

2. View Comments: click this button to display the Comments screen. All comments related to this specific order/line item will be displayed in Comments History. You may add a new comment for the Core Returns Administrator in the Comments screen, if you wish.

3. Will these cores be in the same shipment: select Yes if all cores printed from this screen will have the same Shipment Date (and Airway Bill No.). Default is Yes.
Note: selecting Yes will automatically complete the Shipment Date and Airway Bill Number for each core that will display on this screen.
Useful Tip: you may select Yes and manually change the Shipment Dates or Airway Bill Numbers for your displayed cores. If you want to reset them all to the same Shipment Date and Airway Bill Number, just click No and then Yes again.
Shipment Date:
 complete this field if you have selected Yes. This Shipment Date will then be auto-filled for every record that will display on the screen. * This is required field if you have selected Yes.
Airway Bill No: 
complete this field if you have selected Yes. This Airway Bill Number will then be auto-filled for every record that will display on the screen. This is not a required field.

4. Continue: click this button to submit display the remainder of the screen with all selected records for returning to Honeywell.
Close: click this button to return to the previous screen.