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This screen displays communications between customers and core returns administrators.


1. Header Information: information in the top section is related to the selected order number (H-invoice, SalesOrder/WorkOrder). HON Order/Shipper number is an active link which, when clicked, will open the Details screen for the selected order number. Fields in Header Information section include:
Customer PO No: purchase order number supplied by the customer.
Description: description of the displayed part number.
Cust. Unit Issued: part number that was shipped/issued to the customer.
SHP Qty: the quantity originally shipped/issued for this part.
RTN Qty: the total quantities returned on completed Core Return Tags.
INT Qty: the quantity returned to Honeywell on completed Core Return Tags but not yet received (in-transit).
OWE Qty: the remaining quantity due to Honeywell, minus any in-transit quantities.
C/C: condition code of the part(s) ordered. Codes may vary by facility, but generally, B = exchange part, C/D/K/P = special order/pricing.
Legacy Cust. Cd: customer code identifying the customer in the facility's legacy mainframe systems.
Source System: Honeywell legacy system where the original information is found.
HON Order/Shipper No: Honeywell order number (H-invoice, SalesOrder/WorkOrder) for shipped/issued part.
Date Shipped/Issued to Cust: date when the part was shipped or issued.
Core Due Date: date when the core is due to be returned. The general policy allows each customer 30 days to return the core, except for Garrett consignment customers, who have 60 days. To make special arrangements for late delivery of a specific core, contact your Core Returns Administrator through this Comments screen and request a Revised Due Date.
Note: if you wish to make special arrangements for late delivery of many cores, you will need to search/select each record and submit a separate comment for each, requesting a Revised Due Date.
Days Past Due: number of days after the Core Due Date. If the number is in bold red, it is past due by the displayed number of days. If the number has a negative (-) sign, it displays the number of days remaining before it becomes past due.
Crit: if the part number is critical, a bold red "Y" will be displayed (for "Yes"). Otherwise, "N" will be displayed ("No"). Critical parts are those which are in high demand from Honeywell customers; those cores should be returned as soon as possible.
A-List Price: the price displayed is New Price x Quantity Owed. It is the value of this order that will be billed (minus discount) if remaining cores are not returned.

2. Comment Type: select a comment type from the dropdown list. There are three main comment types (others may be added at a later date):
Core Return Reason: reason the core is being returned. This comment is optional when returning a core, but it is helpful when returning an unused exchange part (and if you received an RMA number -- Returned Material Authorization). A few simple words of explanation will suffice, or type "RMA" in case of an RMA return.
Customer Comment: any general comment you may wish to make to the Core Returns Administrator, as relates to this selected shipped/issued part.
Note: if you have questions about the Core Returns application that do not appear in this guide, please click the RFI link, located in the gray bar at the top right of each application page, or click the Feedback link, located at the bottom of each application page.
Note: for product-related questions, please contact our Customer Support Center: 1-800-421-2133 (US & Canada), 1-602-365-2180 (International).
NOT returning a core: if you have clicked the N button on the Core Returns Select page or the Core Returns Detail page, you have indicated that you are not intending to return a core for the selected order/line item. Please give a brief explanation of why the core will not be returned.
Note: unless special arrangements have been made, you will be billed for any unreturned cores.

3. Comment field: type in the message you wish to display in the Comment field in the Comments History section.

4. Add: click this button to add the comment to Comments History and, if applicable, send the alert to the selected user(s) in the displayed user list. If Add is not clicked, changes will be disregarded when the user leaves this screen.
Note: navigation will appear at the top right and bottom right of the page.

5. Comments History: this section displays all comments added to this order and part. Fields include:
Type: type of comment (selected when a comment is added)
Author: the person who created the comment.
Date: date/time when the comment was created.
Comment: the comment message.

6. Close: click this button to return to the previous screen. If a comment was added on screen and Add button was not clicked, the entry will be disregarded when the Close button has been clicked.