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Batch Core search

Batch Core search

Enter or select search criteria in this screen to locate a core or group of cores.


1. Source System: this list displays all Source Systems which are used to populate records in the Core Returns database. (e.g., Phx Supply Chain Services -AVS).
Note: For users with only one source system assignment (no core records at multiple Honeywell sites), their Source System will be displayed by default. Users with cores in multiple source systems must select from the drop-down list before a search can be performed.

2. Customer: if there are multiple customer codes for this customer in the selected source system, you may select a specific customer code from the drop-down list, or select ALL.

3. Quick Filters: a number of filters have been created for the most popular searches (Cores Owed, Cores Due Next 10 Days, Cores Shipped Last 14 Days to HON, etc.). To perform a search using this field, select a Quick Filter from the drop-down list and click the Submit Search button.
Note: selecting a Quick Filter will ignore all other criteria selections.

4. Customer PO/Contract No: enter a specific customer-supplied purchase order for searching.
Honeywell Order/Shipper No: enter a specific order number (H-invoice, SalesOrder/WorkOrder) for searching.
Cust. Unit Issued: part number shipped to the customer.
Cust. Unit S/N Issued: serial number shipped to the customer.
Part Condition Code: condition code of parts shipped to the customer.
Critical Part: critical ("YES") or non-critical ("NO") parts sent to the customer. Critical parts are those which are in high demand from Honeywell customers; those cores should be returned as soon as possible.
Service Level Agreement: orders identified as MSP (Maintenance Service Plan) or WTY (warranty).
Core Due Date Range: search for cores due within a specified date range. Enter a date or click on the Calendar icon to select a beginning date (From) and an ending date (To). To clear the dates from the fields, click the Clear button in the Calendar application (Calendar icon), or click the Clear button on the Search screen, or select a Quick Filter.
Note: manually entered dates must be in the format MM/DD/YY (two-digit month, two-digit day, two-digit year; e.g., 01/03/04 is January 3, 2004).
Useful Tip: if, when clicking the Calendar icon, the window opens and calendar application does not appear, close the new window and refresh the page, then click the Calendar icon again. Calendar application will not function if Java is disabled in the user's browser.

5. Sort Search Results By: you may select the way records are sorted in the Select screen after searching. By default, records are sorted by HON Order/Shipper No.
Useful Tip: After selected records are displayed, you may sort records ascending or descending by clicking on the black triangles above column headings.

6. Submit Search: click this button to submit search criteria and select records for viewing.
Clear: click this button to reset page to default values.


Why can't I see all of my records?

There may be any number of reasons why you may not be seeing the records you expect:

  • Your default settings are filtering out too many records.
    There are default settings when you open the Search screen, and you may want to change those before submitting your search. For example, the default setting for Core Record Status is "OPEN", so if you want to see CLOSED records, you will need to change the default before you click the Submit Search button.
  • You haven't cleared your previous filters before searching again.
    For example: if you entered a specific part number (Issued Part) in your previous search, and in this search you are trying to view other part numbers, you will still see only the selected part number in your new search unless you have changed the part number, or removed the criteria by clicking the Clear button.
  • You haven't been assigned to all the customers or customer codes you are expecting.
    If you are not seeing records you expect to see in your search results, you may not be assigned as a contact for every customer code you are expecting. Each Honeywell source system may have multiple customer codes for a single customer, and each Core Returns application customer must be assigned to each customer code individually by the Core Returns Administrator.
    If you believe you are not seeing records for all customer codes to which you should be assigned, click the RFI link (on the gray bar at the top of each page) and send a message, stating: "I am not able to view all records for [Your Company Name]. I would like a Core Returns Administrator to make sure I am assigned in the Core Returns application as a contact for each customer code for this customer. Thank you."
  • You've filtered records until there are no records that match the criteria.
    For example, if you have had multiple shipments of part number 12345-7 and all shipments were condition code "B", you will not find any records if you search by part number 12345-7 and specify condition code "D". In this case, change the condition code to ALL to see all records for part 12345-7.
  • You are looking for records with no OWE quantity.
    The Batch screens only view records where OWE quantity is greater than zero. You will not be able to view CLOSED records or records where you have returned core tags for the full quantity of the original order.
Why can't I use Quick Filters with other search critera?

Quick Filters were designed to select records based on the most common search criteria. As such, there are multiple search criteria in the logic of each Quick Filter, so other criteria on the screen must be ignored for the Quick Filter to work properly.

Why must I select Issued Part or Returned Part when using a search criterion in those sections?

Adding search criteria to both the Issued Part and Returned Part sections would likely result in NO RECORDS FOUND. If users enter criteria on both sides, they must choose which criteria to use for the current search by selecting either Issued Part or Returned Part to avoid an empty search result.

Can I change my default settings on the Search screen?

No. The default settings are set globally for all users according to business rules defined by Core Returns Administrators during the design of the application.