Downlink Subsystems
The product architecture is based in an innovative design approach that uses flexible Software-defined radio (SDR) functionality and has been optimized for small to medium size missions that demand high data rates and established PA standards.
Key Honeywell Advantages:
- Optimized for small to medium satellites
- Suitable for high data rate applications (400Mbps to 600Mbps typical)
- Low mass and low volume
- High efficiency / low power consumption
- User selectable configuration
- Telemetry/Telecommand via RS-422 or CAN bus (1553 option)
- Flexible SDR design, selectable modulation and output power configurations
- OQPSK/QPSK/8PSK,16QAM modulation schemes
- Selectable coding - Convolutional, Reed-Solomon.
- LVDS synchronous data ports with auto detection