Aspire 300 and Aspire 350 Satellite Communications Systems

- Full FANS Over Iridium (FOI) network
- Affordable, faster and more reliable high-speed aircraft connectivity with global coverage extending to the polar regions.
- Smaller, lightweight footprint reduces overall weight of aircraft, ultimately decreasing fuel costs.
- Aspire 350 uses the upgraded Iridium NEXT satellite network to access all the features of the Iridium Certus services.
- By using Iridium Certus services, operators can reduce costs by up to 30% compared with legacy satellite communications services.
- Aspire 350 also supports global Future Air Navigation System (FANS) datalink that enables pilots to take advantage of preferred routing worldwide.
- Features & Benefits
- Affordable, faster and more reliable high-speed aircraft connectivity with global coverage extending to the polar regions
- Full FANS Over Iridium (FOI) network
- Smaller, lightweight footprint reduces overall weight of aircraft, ultimately decreasing fuel costs