Air Traffic Services Unit (ATSU) Airline Operational Communication
- AOC uplinks and downlinks that enable efficient airline operations
- Out-off-on-in (OOOI) logic to define each flight phase
- AOC user interface to the flight crew
- Aircraft and operational data reporting—including engine, fuel, avionics and maintenance reports
Three components make up the ATSU system:
- The ATSU Hardware on Airbus platforms – provided by Airbus
- The ATSU Aircraft Interface Software (including air/ground Router) and ATC Application - provided by Airbus
- The ATSU AOC software and AOC Database – provided by Honeywell
Compatible Aircraft
- Features & Benefits
- 1,200+ internal parameters used for reconfiguration, displays, downlinks, reports, etc
- 120+ automatic trigger algorithms which can be used for a number of different purposes including sending downlinks automatically
- Logical processing associated with multi-function control display unit line select key actions
- Message encryption / decryption
- New Active Advisories feature
- Support of new passenger doors for the new A340-600 aircraft