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    Product Reliability Updates

    You must be signed in to access this content.Airbus A330 - Main Brake PN 2612202 - Assembly Tool of PBA assembly

    Product Group: Wheels & Brakes (WB)

    Problem: Reference: CMM 32-42-28 Revision 05; Page 703 outline 2.A.(10)
    The manual mentions an installation tool and customer is asking to confirm the purpose of the, as there is no drawing or part number in the manual for this tool.
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    You must be signed in to access this content.LTS101 Fuel Pump 4-301-377-12

    Product Group: Engines (ME)

    Problem: Quick question….Is the fuel pump part number 4-301-377-12 no longer useable on the LTS 101-700D-2 engine? HAS TO BE converted to a -10?
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    You must be signed in to access this content.Legacy 500, AS907-3-1E, Engine Driven Hydraulic Leak

    Product Group: Engines (ME)

    Problem: Engine driven hydraulic oil leak.
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    You must be signed in to access this content.B787 - FMC - 360 Degree Orbit Back To Transitioned Waypoint

    Product Group: Flight Management Systems (EL)

    Problem: Customer experienced unusual VSD Corridor display post waypoint passage. While the active route remained displayed correctly, the VSD Corridor displayed a 360 degree orbit back to the transitioned waypoint.
    At the time the crew were operating with a 1NM right SLOP. No FMC activity was occurring during the transition such as wind uplinks or route modifications.
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    You must be signed in to access this content.AeroCruze 100/X Installation

    Product Group: Flight Management Systems(BK)

    Problem: Doing "Appendix F Vision PMA Autopilot C182E-C182T Installation". Page 32, step 26, EFIS TYPE shows "65500" but need to set it to "0" in step 27. Rotating the knob will take a month! Is there a shortcut? 
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    You must be signed in to access this content.B777 - FMC - Internal Software Fault “ASSERT HADS_29K”

    Product Group: Flight Management Systems (EL)

    Problem: What is Internal Software fault “ASSERT HADS_29K”?
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    You must be signed in to access this content.Airbus A380 - NBMW PN 2616571 - Inboard wheel half bearing bore repair dimensions

    Product Group: Wheels & Brakes (WB)

    Problem: CMM 32-45-91 (P/N 2616571) Rev 2 dated 20 Jan/2018; FIG 6007 and FIG 6009
    with Reference to dimensional limits for Figure 6009, "DIA B" seems to have a discrepant value.
    Please confirm Dimensional limits for Figure 6009, "DIA B" and "DIA A
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    You must be signed in to access this content.Airbus A380 - NBMW PN 2616571 - Wheel Half Balance Weights

    Product Group: Wheels & Brakes (WB)

    Problem: When ordering balance weight PN p/n 2615644, the customer was advised that this PN cannot be ordered, as it is inactive.
    Question: is the balance weight needed or not?
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    You must be signed in to access this content.737NG/MAX LH and RH Secondary Heat Exchanger Units (PN 2215490 and 2215510), Questions related to the coupling assemblies Honeywell PN 234-056-9004

    Product Group: Air & Thermal Management Systems (ME)

     For the 737NG/Max LH and RH Secondary Heat Exchanger Units (PN 2215490 and 2215510) there are questions related to the coupling assemblies Honeywell PN 234-056-9004 (Vendor PN’s W991-40DE, AW2010HP40DE, or 14J02-40A).
     1) What is the specific function principle of this type of clamp?
     2) Is there any special tooling necessary to install the sleeve?
     3) Does Honeywell have a recommend hard replacement time or additional methods (lockwire) to prevent loose clamps?
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    You must be signed in to access this content.Boeing 737-800 - Nose Wheel PN 2607825 - grease seal seat repair

    Product Group: Wheels & Brakes (WB)

    Problem: CMM 32-40-10 SUBTASK 32-40-10-100-015-A01, provides only a procedure for manufacturing the bushing.
    There is no machining on wheel, treatment, and bushing installation procedure.
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    You must be signed in to access this content.B747 Current Transformer P/N 2B74-1A Two-Way Interchangeabile With P/N 2B74-1-A

    Product Group: Electric Power System (ME)

    Problem: Operator requests clarification if there is two way interchangeable between Current Transformer 2B74-1A and 2B74-1-A, Per Boeing 747-100/200/300/SP IPC 24-21-22-01 APR 05/16 Fig/Item:1/275 CURRENT TRANSFORMER PN:2B74-1A (BAC SPEC DWG 60B00010-4), However the physical plate on the unit shows PN 2B74-1-A.   
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    You must be signed in to access this content.B747-8 - FMC - FMC Takeoff MINV2 is Both Higher And Lower Than Calculated V2 Speed

    Product Group: Flight Management Systems (EL)

    Problem: During a Functional Check Flight after a C-Check, flight crews reported that the FMC prompted with "MIN V2 140" when they tried to enter a V2 value of 135 knots in the Takeoff Ref page. The FMC minimum V2 value was 5 knots higher than required for the given conditions. 
    Please advise what could have caused the FMC to prompt with "MIN V2 140" in the Takeoff Ref page.
    Please advise what are the setting/values that would have contributed to the minimum V2 Value calculation by the FMC.
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    You must be signed in to access this content.Multiple BGA platforms - Ovation System -Moving Map screen is black when selected

    Product Group: Cabin Entertainment (EL)

    Problem: When selecting moving map the display monitors remain black.
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    You must be signed in to access this content.Boeing 737NG ACM PN 2206400, Use of -1 ACM in place of -2 ACM

    Product Group: Air & Thermal Management Systems (ME)

    Problem: Is it allowable to replace Air Cycle Machine PN 2206400-2 with 2206400-1 in 737NG LH/RH Secondary Heat Exchanger Unit PN 2215490-1 Series 3 and PN 2215510-1 Series 3, or PN 2215510-2?
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    You must be signed in to access this content.Boeing 737NG - Main Brake PN 2612312 - new tooling part numbers

    Product Group: Wheels & Brakes (WB)

    Problem: In section special service tools and fixtures on page 901 of CMM 32-40-15 Rev09, three new tool numbers were added.

    1. 79001403-1, 79001408-1 and 79001401-1 are not shown in figure 904;
    2. Is 79001403-1 equivalent to 2558900−3, 79001408-1 equivalent to 2558900−2 and 79001401-1 equivalent to 2558900−1 ?
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