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Technical Publications FAQs

Technical Publications FAQs


How do I register to MyAerospace?

Taking advantage of the operational benefits provided by the MyAerospace portal is a simple process and it all starts with getting registered. For more details, visit How Do I Register For MyAerospace? training page.

How do I get access to Technical Publications?

Need access to technical publications or another tool? Request access online. For more details, visit How Do I Request Tool Access? training page.

How do I set up Technical Publications as a Quick link on the My Aerospace Homepage?
  1. Login to My Aerospace Portal link. If already loghed in click on My Aerospace.
  2. From the quick links section select Add/Edit Links.
  3. Drag and drop pages you would like to have added to useful link view and select Save & Continue.
How can I access the Technical Publications website?

Once confirmed, there are a few ways to access Technical Publications:

  • Click here.
  • Use the “Access” link next to Technical Publications on the My Account Page.
  • Use the top navigation: Support & Resources > Resources > Technical Publications.
  • Add a quick-link to your MyAerospace homepage.
How do I search for a Technical Publication?
  1. Login to My Aerospace Portal Technical Publications.
  2. On the landing page, search by Part NumberPub Number, ATA Code or Keyword.
  1. On the results page, filter by: Manufacturer, Product Family, Publications Category or Revision Date Range.
  • Example using AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER as Keyword: Category - Product Family / Level 1 - Auxiliary Power Units / Level 2 - GTP30. Once selected the system will prompt the publications related to the criteria selected.
How do I view/download a Technical Publication?
  1. Login to My Aerospace Portal Technical Publications.
  2. Search for a Publication.
  3. Click Request Download.
    If that option is not available, you will see “Request Subscription”, which means you must have approval and/or valid subscription to view.
    For more info, read How can I request a subscription to a Publication?  topic below. 
  1. The Download Helper will take some minutes to fetch the Publication, after this is completed a new browser tab will be opened showing the status of the download. Once the download bar reaches 100%, the Publication will follow the browser’s download settings to be saved on the device.
NOTE: For download to function properly, pop-ups must be enabled from the browser’s settings.
How do I allow pop-ups on my browser for a Technical Publication to be viewed/downloaded?

To ensure a great experience while browsing our technical publications, we recommend following the steps presented in How Do I Allow Pop-Ups On My Browser For Technical Publications Website? training page.

How do I request a subscription to a Publication?
  1. Search for a Publication.
  2. Click Request Subscription. Some publications are only available in physical copy, in those cases the option to request a subscription will not appear and instead, Request Publication shall be clicked.
  1.  Fill in the request form:
    a) Tell us if there’s an active service agreement in place with us.
    b) If prompted, type the Aircraft’s Make, Model, Serial Number, and Registration Number to which the subscription will be assigned and in Reason for Request the intended use you will give to this Publication.
    c) Click Submit Request.
  1. A Case number will be provided for tracking purposes. Once approved, the publication will be available on My Subscriptions page for download.

Note: Requests will be attended within 48 hours or less.

How do I see the Publications I have subscriptions for?
  1. Click My Subscriptions.
  2. Locate the Publication from the list. Or search by Publication Name/Number using the search bar above the list.  
  3. Click the Publication’s Title to access its details.
How do I browse a Collection?
  1. Search a Collection.
  2. Click View Collection


  1. Collection View page will load with a summary of its content.
  2. The summary shows by default all the Manuals associated to this collection.
    a. Click the select box to filter between:
    • All Manuals - To view the list of all manuals related to the collection.
    • Collection Manuals - To view the collection’s main manuals.
    • Manuals - To view the collection’s supporting manuals.
  3. Click Updates to display the most recently updated publications in this collection.
    a. Click the select box to filter between:
    • Manuals;
    • Temporary Revision;
    • Related Pubs.
How do I sign up to receive email updates for Technical Publications?

Honeywell can keep you informed about changes to Publications as they happen via our Notification System. 

  1. Find the Manual or Collection you want to receive emails for.
  2. Click Get Email Updates.
  3. Optional - Click the checkbox next to “Add related pub” to also receive updates for Publications related to the selected Manual/Collection (including Temporary Revisions if any).
  4. Click Save
How do I mark a Publication as Favorite?

Rather than storing publications locally, you can “Favorite” Publications for quick access when you need it.

  1. Find the Publication.
  2. Click Add to Favorites.
How do I manage my favorite Publications?
  1. Click My Favorites.
  2. Locate the Publication from the list. The following options are available:

a. Access the Publication’s details by clicking the Title.

b. Mark a Publication to always be displayed on the landing page (Up to 5 Publications).

c. Remove Publication from Favorites.

How do I report a discrepancy?

If you find an error or issue with a Publication, you report that issue to us for review.

  1. Find the Publication.
  2. Click Report Discrepancy.
  3. Fill in the form by selecting a Discrepancy Category, Page Number and related comments.
  4. Click Submit.
How do I search for a Technical Publication and/or Service Bulletin?
  1. Log in to My Aerospace Technical Publications.
  2. On the landing page, search by Part Number, Pub Number, ATA Code, or Keyword and hit enter or click on the magnifying glass icon. Alternatively, click on Browse Publications to display all manuals available on Tech Pubs.
  1.  If needed, use the smart filters to narrow your result by: Manufacturer, Product Family, Publications Category or Revision Date Range

Example using AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER as Keyword: Category - Product Family / Level 1 - Auxiliary Power Units / Level 2 - GTP30. Once selected the system will prompt the publications related to the criteria selected.

How do I export to a spreadsheet my search results or notification settings?

For search results: 

  1. Start by searching using a keyword or by clicking on the Browse Publications button.
  1. The Export Search Results icon will appear at the bottom right section of the search bar. Important: To do the export, search results need to be equal to or less than 3,000 records. The count indicator on the portal will help to visualize the current number of results.
  1. Once a search has been narrowed, click on the enabled Export Search Results icon.
  2. The icon will change to show that the download process of the spreadsheet has started.
  1. Once finished, the icon will return to its default and the browser will prompt users to save the resulting export to their system.
  • NOTE: On rare occasions, the Downloading icon could change to its default without the browser prompting to save the export. In those cases, users should click once again the Export Search Results icon.

For notification settings:

  1. Go to My Email Notifications tab.
  2. When subscribed to receive emails to at least one Publication, the Export Notification Settings icon will appear at the top right section of the page.
  3. Click on the Export Notification Settings icon.
  1. The icon will change to show that the download process of the spreadsheet has started.
  1. Once finished, the icon will return to its default and the browser will prompt users to save the resulting export to their system.
  • NOTE: On rare occasions, the Downloading icon could change to its default without the browser prompting to save the export. In those cases, users should click once again the Export Notification Settings icon.
What kind of media types are available in TechPubs for download?

Currently, only Publications associated with PDFs are available for download. Other media like SWF, EBOOK, TXT, and such will be available in the near future.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Technical Publications?


The Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) identifies specific engine components and pictorially illustrates them as produced from the factory and as modified by service bulletins. All engine parts are contained in the IPC except the individual internal pieces of the Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) which are authorized for replacement only at our Major Channel partners or Overhaul/Heavy Maintenance Facilities. The applicable Component Overhaul/Maintenance Manual, including the illustrated parts list for a particular LRU, is referenced in the IPC.


Component Overhaul/Maintenance Manuals address the procedures for individual LRUs and other specific components. Their use is restricted to Authorized Major Channel partners or Overhaul/Heavy Maintenance Facilities.


The Engine Maintenance Manual/Engine Light Maintenance Manual/Engine Manual (MM/LMM/EM) provides a description of the engine and its operation and details the procedures for troubleshooting, adjustments/tests, inspections/checks, and for performing all authorized maintenance actions.

The instructions are self-explanatory and no reference to other publications is required, except to the IPC for parts ordering information.

Any unserviceable part discovered during an inspection, which cannot be repaired on location using MM procedures, should be replaced. Removed unserviceable parts may be evaluated for repair at a Major Channel partner or Overhaul/Heavy Maintenance Facility using the instructions contained in the Inspection/ Repair manual.


The Inspection/Repair Manual (IRM) provides specific inspection and repair instructions for use during an engine overhaul. Additionally, the IRM is used to determine the serviceability of parts during an unscheduled maintenance activity falling outside the scope of the MM. Since the information contained in the IRM goes beyond the scope of the MM. It should not be used in conjunction with normal MM procedures.

ENGINE OVERHAUL MANUAL (TPE331 Series 1 thru 12/ALF502L)

The primary purpose of the Engine Overhaul Manual (OHM) is to provide instructions and detailed procedures on accomplishing a complete engine overhaul at an Authorized Overhaul Facility. Nevertheless, other unscheduled engine repairs which go beyond the scope of the MM may require the engine to be inspected, tested, and repaired in accordance with the OHM. Performing these tests plus any required maintenance pursuant to the instructions in the OHM could result in the continued operation of the engine enabling it to reach its next scheduled maintenance interval.


The Engine Light Maintenance Manual (LMM) provides a description of the engine and its operation and details the procedures for troubleshooting, adjustments/tests, and inspections/checks, and for performing all authorized maintenance actions. The LMM instructions are self-contained and no reference to other publications is required, except to the IPC for parts ordering information.

Any unserviceable part discovered during an inspection, which cannot be repaired on location using LMM procedures, should be replaced. Removed unserviceable parts may be evaluated for repair at a Major Channel partner or Heavy Maintenance Facility using the instructions contained in the Repair Manual. Determination to rework or scrap a part is predicated on the criteria contained in the Repair Manual.


The Engine Heavy Maintenance Manual (HMM) provides engine performance testing and maintenance practices for off-aircraft maintenance of the compressor module. The performance testing outlined in the HMM is required only after certain maintenance actions. These requirements are specified in the HMM. The HMM instructions with referenced LMM instructions provide all maintenance practices applicable. Any parts rejected during inspection which cannot be repaired using LMM and HMM procedures should be replaced. Rejected parts may be evaluated for repair at a Major Channel partner or Heavy Maintenance Facility using the Repair Manual.


The Repair Manual (RM) provides specific repair instructions for engine parts that have been determined unserviceable and not repairable in accordance with Light and Heavy Maintenance Manuals.

Data contained in the RM is beyond the scope of the Light and Heavy Maintenance Manuals and should not be used in conjunction with accomplishing Light and Heavy Maintenance Manual procedures. Only those parts rejected using Light or Heavy Maintenance Manual inspection criteria should be repaired using the RM.


Service bulletins are issued on an "as needed" basis to provide modification instructions, inspection procedures, and any other necessary information relative to the modification, maintenance, and/or repair of an engine unit. Categorized as Alert and Standard, service bulletins are the primary means of communicating and authorizing these special types of maintenance actions to the field. The Honeywell compliance directive may be either Recommended or Optional for a particular service bulletin.

Alert Service Bulletins

Alert Service Bulletins are designed to be used in conjunction with either an impending or a recently issued FAA Airworthiness Directive when the safety of flight might be compromised or the possibility exists, however, remote, that either property damage and/or personal injury might result from the failure to comply with the inspections, modifications, instructions, or maintenance actions recommended in the bulletin.

The compliance directive is of such urgency that affected operators must respond immediately or at least with a minimum of delay, to the instructions in the bulletin. Alert Service Bulletins are very rarely issued. 

Recommended Service Bulletins

The Recommended compliance directive is the strongest written request for an operator to modify or update a specified engine component, perform an inspection, make an adjustment or accomplish any other particularly defined maintenance function to an engine unit. There is normally a designated time period for compliance, such as at first access to the affected part for any reason or at the next regularly scheduled HSI, which when accomplished will substantially improve the reliability of the engine and/or component. Recommended Service Bulletins are the most frequently issued category.

Operators willfully electing to not comply with a Recommended Service Bulletin, when the opportunity to do so becomes available to them, would be wholly assuming all risks associated with the future operation of the affected component and the consequential damages, if any, associated thereto. Service facilities should obligate themselves to make this point perfectly clear with their customers to preclude any future misunderstandings.

Optional Service Bulletins

Optional Service Bulletins provide a suitable mode of notifying our customers of general product improvements, updates and modifications of a minor nature which, when incorporated, will generally improve the overall serviceability of the engine and/or component. The Optional compliance directive, which is also self-explanatory, is by no means obligatory and there will not be any specific time limitation imposed on the operator for incorporating the suggested improvements, other than "when convenient". The intent is to merely invite our customers to consider incorporating our suggestions when the opportunity to do so becomes available. The issuance of Optional Service Bulletins is a fairly common occurrence.

Field Evaluation Service Bulletins

From time to time, certain proposed engine unit modifications are selected by Honeywell to undergo a field testing program prior to releasing these changes to all engines in the field. These modifications are authorized by special Field Evaluation Service Bulletins and are restricted to a limited number of preselected engines. A Field Evaluation Service Bulletin is identified by the letters "FE" suffixed to the basic service bulletin number. When the engine and/or component modification is approved and receives authorization for incorporation into the fleet, the service bulletin is revised to delete the "FE" suffix from the basic service bulletin identification number.

Rework Procedures Service Bulletins

Special rework procedures for specifically identified parts which can be accomplished only at certain selected facilities are also authorized by service bulletins. Bulletins issued for the exclusive purpose of reworking components are identified by the letters "RWK" suffixed to the basic service bulletin number. Distribution of the Rework Procedures Service Bulletin is limited to repair facilities authorized to perform the rework procedures required therein.

Accomplishment of Service Bulletins

It is the responsibility of each Honeywell Authorized Channel partner to have a complete and up-to-date listing of current service bulletins and to be familiar with the compliance category of each.

Recommended Service Bulletins often are accompanied by a Honeywell-financed special business program which addresses the labor and material specifics required in the bulletin. Optional bulletins may or may not have such a program. In either case, all recommended and Optional Service Bulletins and the associated business program, if any, applicable to a particular installation should be brought to the attention of potentially affected owner/operators when they next visit the service facility. As an Authorized Channel partner, this would be one of the courtesies you may wish to extend to our mutual customers.

Service bulletin modifications performed on an engine at a service facility must be recorded in the Engine Log Book. This required documentation is essential to properly track the specific components actually installed in a customer's engine. Incorporation of a service bulletin often results in an improved or modified part going into an engine or component which is identified by a different part number and which is installed and removed by following an amended procedure. The different part numbers and procedures are necessarily annotated in the IPC, MM/LMM, and OHM/HMM. It is therefore necessary that service facilities check the "pre" and "post" service bulletin incorporation notes as printed in these manuals when performing services on engine units to ensure the correct part and procedure is being followed.


Spare Parts Bulletins are issued to inform our service facilities of basic part number changes; they serve as the authorization for facilities to incorporate a newly identified component into an engine unit. The changes specified in Spare Parts Bulletins apply only to the specific applications noted therein and are to be incorporated only after the service facility has depleted its stock of all of the original parts. Engine Log Book entries are not required when changes authorized by a Spare Parts Bulletin are incorporated into an engine unit.


Ground Equipment Manuals (GEMs) are prepared to provide instructions for maintaining ground support equipment developed for use when testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting the engine or engine components. Distribution of these manuals is normally made only to those facilities, which have purchased the support equipment covered by the GEM.


Special tool pamphlets containing information relative to the use, storage and maintenance of complex special tools used in engine unit maintenance are often available. Distribution of these pamphlets is normally made only to those facilities, which have purchased the special tools covered by the pamphlet.


In addition to manuals, catalogs and service bulletins and pamphlets, other "nice to know" types of information are published in newsletter form and directed toward an identified audience. Our most common newsletters are the Service Information Letter (SIL), and an owner/operator oriented newsletter called "Contact".

Service Information Letters (SILs)

SILs are primarily issued by Customer Service Engineering Group to notify support personnel of improved maintenance techniques and procedures plus any other supplemental information, which may prove helpful when servicing our products. Service Information Letters have proven to be an expedient and efficient means of communicating important news to the field. 


Special tools and test equipment items needed to perform maintenance actions on the engine and engine components are listed in the Illustrated Tool and Test Equipment Manual. The manual and location within the manual where usage is needed is identified for each item. Items which may be procured are illustrated with an accompanying description of the item. The company name and address of the manufacturer is included for all items.


All technical publications are distributed through normal postal services or via a private delivery company. A computerized listing by company and/or individual names is maintained by our Data Distribution Department on all parties requesting publications. The listing is continuously updated to ensure accurate and timely shipment of requested publications occurs when it should.