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Three Factors that Make Honeywell Productivity Solutions Different

Three Factors that Make Honeywell Productivity Solutions Different

From air ambulance to airliner, from general aviation to military, all organizations in aviation share a central goal of increasing productivity. Better productivity offers the chance for more successful missions, leaner operations and better profits. So when selecting tools to advance your organization’s productivity, choosing the right partner is paramount.

Here are three reasons Honeywell solutions such as our avionics, services and Connected Aircraft offerings are worth your attention:

We understand hardware and software. There are few unconnected devices in today’s world. That’s one reason it’s often believed that every company is a software company. Honeywell software serves aviation organizations better because it’s informed by our hardware expertise. Our experience designing hardware, combined with the data we gather from the sensors on that hardware, gives us a better understanding of how to create software designed for aviation. In our Primus Epic avionics system, we leverage the latest-generation avionics hardware and software capabilities to provide real-time information and ease of use to help pilots become more productive and make better decisions in the air.

We have experience in high-stakes environments. Our technology heritage is more grounded in the reality of aviation than that of other companies that focus only on software. We understand that the world of aviation is different. When landing in high winds, when hovering over a search-and-rescue objective, or when approaching a military target, margins of error are nonexistent. Uncontrollable forces like weather can rewrite your entire schedule - but every flight must nonetheless be carried out safely. Honeywell aerospace solutions are on nearly every aircraft in the world and in more than 500 airports around the globe. We are trusted in some of the most demanding circumstances, such as flight data recorders, military hardware and software, and search-and-rescue operations.

We design with you in mind. At Honeywell, we make and customize analytics and technology specific to individual customer needs. We pay attention to what aviation customers need and work with a large range of partners to provide solutions as diverse as ground handling systems, helicopter engines and satellite communications. We also keep the value of your data in mind at all times. Your data remains your data, always. We simply help you make the most of it.

When making your organization more productive, the process you take and the partners you select matter. As technology becomes more a part of every aircraft, technology vendors without aviation experience will attempt to win market share. We believe your technology vendor should understand aerospace as well as you do. At Honeywell, we have hardware, software, a history of performance and a focus on your success. Let us help you achieve more productive flights.

Kathryn Kearney
Content Marketing Specialist
Katie Kearney is the global content marketing specialist for Honeywell Aerospace.


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