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Shaping a Stronger Defense: A Blueprint for Effective Response

Shaping a Stronger Defense: A Blueprint for Effective Response

In a rapidly evolving global landscape, the challenges facing our nation's defense are both complex and dynamic. Secretary Frank Kendall's remarks at the Air Force Association (AFA) Symposium on Monday offered a stark but essential assessment of the threats we face, particularly from near-peer potential adversaries. His insights resonate deeply with the defense industry, including Honeywell Aerospace Technologies, and demand a strategic response that aligns with our values and commitment to national security.

Secretary Kendall's candid remarks underscore the urgency of addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by near-peer potential adversaries, which have rapidly emerged as formidable players in the international arena. We share his concern about potential adversary’s technological advancements, military capabilities, and aggressive behavior in the global landscape. As leaders in the aerospace and defense sector, we must take these concerns to heart and work collaboratively to address them.

One of the key points emphasized by Secretary Kendall is the imperative for innovation. At Honeywell Aerospace Techologies, innovation is at the core of our mission. We are dedicated to developing cutting-edge technologies that empower our armed forces with the tools they need to maintain our national security and protect our interests.

We recognize that innovation alone is not enough; it must be guided by a robust strategy. Secretary Kendall laid out a blueprint for an effective response to these challenges, which involves a combination of innovation, partnership, and preparedness. These principles align seamlessly with our approach to supporting the defense community.



Innovation is not just about creating new technologies; it's about adapting quickly to changing circumstances. We are committed to working closely with the Department of Defense to develop and deliver advanced solutions that address emerging threats. From advanced avionics to propulsion systems, we are dedicated to providing the tools our military needs to maintain superiority in an increasingly complex world.



Secretary Kendall stressed the importance of partnerships, both with our allies and within the defense industry itself. We wholeheartedly agree. Collaboration fosters collective strength and ensures that we are leveraging the best minds and resources available. Honeywell Aerospace Technologies values our partnerships with the Department of Defense and other defense industry leaders, and we are committed to working together to address the challenges outlined by Secretary Kendall.



The need for preparedness cannot be overstated. As Secretary Kendall aptly put it, "Peace through strength is not just a slogan; it's a very real strategy." We must be prepared not only to defend against potential adversaries but also to deter aggression through our strength and readiness. Honeywell Aerospace Technologies is fully aligned with this vision and will continue to support our armed forces in their efforts to maintain readiness and protect our nation.

In conclusion, Secretary Kendall's insightful blueprint for an effective response to the challenges posed by near-peer potential adversaries and other emerging threats serves as a call to action for the defense industry. We stand ready to embrace this challenge. We are committed to driving innovation, fostering partnerships, and supporting preparedness efforts to ensure our nation's and our allies’ security.

The defense landscape may be evolving, but our dedication to strengthening our national defense and protecting our way of life remains unwavering. Together with our government partners and fellow industry leaders, we will navigate these challenges and emerge stronger, more resilient, and better prepared to safeguard our future.

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Matt Milas
President, Defense and Space

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